Thursday, July 13, 2006

My First Blog

I stumbled across this blog-ing site by accident. One of my friends (thanks Lexi) has one and hers looks way cooler than my "wanta-be highschool" myspace page. I started myspace with the intentions of having a place to document the thoughts and crap in my life. Ya know the good, bad and the ugly of stay at home mommy life. But soon after I thought I was hot shit and slightly in touch with the "hip" world with a myspace page, I found out I was wrong. All my friends kids have f-ing myspace pages and they all looked me up and harrassed me. Then I felt like I could no longer put things about me-me on it. I had to put "Aunt Holly" things. So now I use my myspace page to spy on all my friends kids. At least I got that out if it.

So now I can have this blogger to put grown up things that my friends 11-18 year old kids won't see. Yeah me! Once again I have out smarted the gits.

Anyone who knows me and my family knows that we have been through a lot of shit over the last year. Come to think of it, my life has been crazy since the day I married my hubby. Funny conidence? You be the judge? But things are much better now. I am back home with an awsome house and pool and I lay out about 5 days a week. Topless preferably (why have tan lines if ya can help it). But I have to watch the nehibors roof tops for kids spying. Been there done that. My kids are in a kick ass day care and only go 2 days a week so I can get out of the house some. And our girl is in dance class. Not that she like public attention or anything. Wonder where she gets that from?

We have a full summer ahead of us this year. I have something planned for the next 6 weekends in a row. Hubby's mom is having some surgury this weekend. How much do think it would take to pay the Doctor to wire her so she is normal. J/K I love my Mother in law. Ok not so much, but she is slightly better these days. Fear of dying makes people nice. We have the usual golf tournaments that Hubby plays in every year. I guess thats fun. But it is slowly turning into the same people, the same party, different year. And this year none of the fun wifes are gonna be there that I know of. So that means I get to watch Hubby get drunk and I drive home. Oh well I can take one for the team. Lord knows he has driven me around when I've had too much. (and my girlfriends have yacked in his truck). Other than our boy turning 2 and his huge pool side shin-dig I am planing, I have a wedding that I am in. One of my best girlfriend is getting hitched. I am excited more about the Girls Weekend we have planned, than the actual wedding. It will be so nice to be with the chickies at the water, with no kids or Hubby. I love my family, but even June Cleaver needed a beer, cigiratte, and girltime.


Blogger Sexy Lexi said...

YAY Holly! You are one of the funniest chicks I know, so this "blogger" thing is right up your alley.

Welcome to the club, biotch!

PS...I can't wait to watch Bec "blow" up that pecker too.

2:06 PM  

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