Welcome Home... Not So Much
I was just finally getting nestled in back in my own habitat, when the Hubby called from work this morning. The Maw-In-Law plan was when she came home from the Hospital we would head back. Well she goes home tomorrow!! What the Hell!!!! Yesterday I let the kids wreck the house. I thought that I would have at least two days to make up for it, but no. Now I have to get everything unpacked and washed and repacked by the morning. My work is never done. Is Mother-In-Law like Greek for major f-ing pain in my ass? Or is it Latin for make my life hell? I am going to refer to her from now on as MIL. I don't even want to use the energy to type it all out on her. LOL So I'll just pop some of my Housewife speed (diet pills) and pull up my mommy undies and go for it. One day I am gonna get redemption for this right? So, now I have a list with about 17 things on it that I need to get done today along with keeping my sanity in tact. But I can see the frig light at he end of the tunnel. It's a little dim from all the beer in front it, but I'll make it brighter starting at 5:30 today.
Pray for me, not MIL
Pray for me, not MIL
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